Sunday, November 13, 2011

WHOOPS! Books 2-4

This reading was better than book I - I didn't know I had to post about my reading specifically last week - and it was very revealing. My main questions would have to be about the geography of everything - all the different places are hard to keep track of, and it would really help if there was some sort of map to help me. The good thing is, I figured out this is definitely greek mythology with some weird roman names scattered about. These books showed the story to be a very good poem. I just kind of find it odd that there are books within a poem instead of poems in a book, like an anthology. Not much else happened to take increasing note of that I can think of at the time.

1 comment:

  1. You're not alone. A lot of people didn't know they had to post about the reading of last week. I'm sad to say I do not have an answer to your question and I congratulate you on confirming the type of mythology this is. You have an interesting point about the books within a poem instead of poems in a book.
