Monday, April 2, 2012

TEOGROMITMM vs. Capulets

(three full paragraphs!? What?! Well, here we go. . .)

      Tillie's family is similar to the Capulets because they're preventing their daughter from doing what she wants to do because it's the way their family currently is. Tillie/Juliet still try their best to get what they want, and it takes their families a while to figure out what they're doing. Their parent(s) get angry for their sneaking away. But the story still revolves around their sneaking to get what they want, whether academic or romantic.
      Tillie's family is different from the Capulets because her family isn't nearly as rich as the Capulets. This makes Tillie's situation more easy to see both sides. Tillie needs to stay home from school in order to live, but the Capulets' situation is just a pesky quarrel that has went on for centuries. For this reason, I like TEOGROMITMM better, and a much more interesting and likeable story. Romeo and Juliet is just an annoying story about a family fight that ends because a bunch of people die.
      Another reason the two families are similar is that they both have teachers that are motivating them. Juliet has Friar Laurence and Tillie has Mr. Goodman. Both of those people help the families start to realize that they should realize their daughters' desires. Both the teachers are not only the best motivators, but the first motivators. Although Mr. Goodman never appears as a talking part, you can feel his presence in the story from phone calls. However, Friar Laurence's plan fails and Mr. Goodman's plan succeeds - in the sense that Tillie wins the science fair.


  1. I like the similarities that you noticed, especially about how they both had that led them. I also like how you focused more on their families as a whole than as each incividual person.

  2. Great insights! You noticed many of the subtle details of the stories.
